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Mama, tell your story.


Updated: Mar 29, 2021

“Pediatric Sleep & Motherhood Well-being” is my focus for Magnolia Families.

As a mama of 4 (3 of which are triplets), I often get told things like, “triplets?? You’re supermom!”... “I don’t know how you do it; I would die” and “I can’t imagine and I only have 1” are also common comments. People mostly mean well and I don’t get offended by the comments. If I wasn’t in my shoes, I’m sure I’d have said the same things to a mom with triplets or more. It’s mind-boggling unless you’ve experienced it. If I’m being honest, some days it’s nice to feel seen and recognized. Some days, those comments give me a little extra pep in my step. I know that #momsupportingmoms is a thing now, but it's so true. We have to build each other up and create a village however we can.

It’s easy to get caught up in motherhood and taking care of everyone else. I know I’m not alone in that fact. I am definitely not a supermom. I have some pretty tough days and don't always handle stress as I'd like. I definitely yell sometimes and I've even thrown a few toys over the fence. Yep, all the way over the fence. I've had a glass of wine at 1pm and it kept me sane. I've cried on the floor while my children cried too. I've vowed to run out the door and not return. I wake up and don't want to get out of bed some days, but I do. None of these things make me a good or bad mama. We all have these days. So, I’ve started responding with “thank you” in response to positive statements and always with “Truth is, it’s all relative.” Everybody has their version of "hard", but truth is we all fight our own battles, count our own blessings, and choose to get out of bed and start the day.

As women and mamas, I feel that we constantly feel pressured to measure up to others. We read books, take online classes, and comb social media to find out how to do motherhood best. We google baby sleep, parenting, breastfeeding, feeding toddlers, Montessori beds, and more. Many times, all of the info out there does nothing but ultimately overwhelm us. Am I right? It makes us feel inadequate and sometimes makes us minimize our personal struggles within the world of parenting and motherhood.

I was pregnant with our triplets, in the Alabama summer heat. I would see other miserably hot and uncomfortable pregnant women who would tend to downplay their experience because they were “only” carrying 1 baby. There are times I'll be with a group of women who are complaining about their 2 kids and they will stop and downplay their situation when they see me listening because I'm a triplet mom.

When clients are discussing how they hate feeling helpless with 1 baby, they will sometimes downplay their feelings because they know I’ve experienced that x 3 at once. The honest ones will admit that my situation makes them feel better about their own situation. I love the honest ones. We all compare our life to others. We all are unique and have different stories.

Every life comes with its own set of difficulties. "It's all relative, y'all". Let’s take pride in ourselves as humans and parents. For me, I believe God chooses those He trusts to lend another human life to during childhood.

So, take credit & tell yourself that you’re a supermom or super dad. Just a showing up every day is honorable. Hell, you caring enough about your child’s well-being to still be reading this pediatric sleep consultant’s blog post means you care 😉❤️ Your struggles are yours and nobody but you should judge it. It’s all relative. Be proud of your story and relax in knowing you’re never alone in the world of motherhood and parenthood.

Tell your story, mama! If you have the best sleeping child in the world, share it. If you kids eat whatever you put on their plate, be proud and share it! If your baby rarely sleeps and you feel like you're losing your mind, share it and ask for help. If you still have a 7 year old who sleeps in your bed and you want them out, admit it and ask for help. If this is your first pregnancy and you are totally overwhelmed, say it. If this is your third child and you're still scared, tell it. Nobody can truly judge you or make you feel any less about YOUR story. Be proud. Do you.

Got sleep? If not, I'd love to help. I'm with you and I see you friend. I think you're pretty awesome merely by being chosen to be a parent in this goofy ol' world.

Tell me your story. Can you relate to mine?

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